Conex puts its 40 years of experience in the manufacture of custom flight cases at your service. We are able to offer you the best in the manufacture of this type of case.

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flight case sur mesure

Why choose a custom flight case ?

You search :

  • transport cases
  • storage cases
  • a presentation box
  • a decorative element
  • furniture of arrangement

Our flight cases will allow you to transport and display fragile objects or pieces. Our know-how is focused on a sub-category of flight cases: the personalized version and the custom flight case, a unique case, customizable to the millimeter according to its destination/use:

There is an infinite combination of possibilities, which we are now able to realize for you. The customers who buy our flight cases are looking for a specific product and have very precise expectations in terms of functionality (solidity, reliability, resistance) and aesthetics. These are high-end and complex products.

Configuration of custom flight cases :

  • the dimensions ;
  • le weight ;
  • the materials used: wood, aluminum, plastic or composite ;
  • aesthetics: color, logo engraving, patterns, effects ;
  • exterior fittings: painting, lacquering, accessorizing according to the user’s needs ;
  • interior fittings: foam machining, wall machining, creation of specific and customizable fittings.

Don’t hesitate to ask us, quotes are free and we are here to guide you in the establishment of your projects.

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